Contigo's new removable steel infuser is designed for the West Loop AUTOSEAL® SS Travel mug. The steel infuser is a new alternative to your Coffee Mug. In addition to your coffee pleasure, you can brew black tea, green tea, linden, sage and increase these alternatives. You can brew your tea with 5-7 grams of loose or tea bags. The Contigo Tea Infuser comes with three detachable parts. These parts are the stainless steel basket, mug clip and drip tray. The stainless steel basket is for placing loose or tea bags. The mug clip tightly fits the steel basket to the West Loop lid. The drip tray easily takes the steel infuser inside when the brewing is over and is easily carried. All parts can be easily washed in the dishwasher. The fine holes of the steel infuser provide superior brewing opportunity and do not guarantee the escape of leaves or dust that may occur during brewing.